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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Are you happy?

On a certain occasion, during on elegant welcoming reception for the new Director of Marketing of an important company in London, some of the wives of the other director, who wanted to get acquainted with the new spouse, asked her with some hesitation.
"Does your spouse make u happy, truly happy"

The husband, who at the moment was not at her side, but was sufficiently near to hear the question, paid attention to the conversation, sitting up slightly, feeling secure, even filling his chest lightly in pride, knowing that his spouse would answer affirmatively, since she had always been there for him during their marriage.

Nevertheless, to both his and the others surprise, she replied simply.
"No, no.. He doesn't make me happy.. "

The room became uncomfortably silent, as if everyone were listening to the spouse's response.

The husband was petrified. He couldn't believe what his wife was saying, especially at such an important occasion for him.

To the amazement on her husband and everyone, she simply place enigmatically on her head an elegant black silk scarf and continued:
“No, he doesn't MAKE me happy… I AM HAPPY” “The fact that I am happy or not do not depend on him, but on me.”
“I am the only person upon whom my happiness depends. “
“I make the choice to be happy in each situation and each moment in life.”
“If my happiness were to depend on other people, on other things or circumstances on the face of this earth, I would be in serious trouble!”
“Everything that exists in this life changes continually: human, wealth, my body, the climate, pleasures, etc. I could enumerate an infinite list..”
“Over my life I have learned a couple of things: I decided to be happy and the rest is a matter of ‘experiences or circumstances’ like helping, and understanding, accepting, listening, consoling and with my spouse, I have practised this many times”
“Happy will always be found in forgiveness and in loving yourself and others”
“It’s not the responsibility of my spouse to make me happy. He also has his ‘experience or circumstances’. I love him and he loves me, often inspire of his circumstances and of mine.”
“He changes, I change, the environment change, everything change, having forgiveness and true love, and observing these changes that can be, big or little, but always happen, we must face them with love that exist in each one of us. If the two of us love and forgive each other, the changes will only be ‘experience and circumstances’ that enrich us and give us strength. Otherwise we would only be ‘living together’. “
“To truly love, is difficult. It is to forgive unconditionally, to live. To take the ‘experiences or circumstances’ as they are facing them together and being happy with conviction.”

There are those who say:
“I cannot be happy because I am sick, because I have no money, because it’s too cold, because they insulted me, because someone stopped loving me, because someone didn’t appreciate me!”

But what you don’t know is that you can be happy even though you are sick, whether it is too hot, whether you have money or not, whether someone has insulted you or someone didn’t love you, or hasn’t valued you. BEING HAPPY is an attitude about life and each one of us must decide! BEING HAPPY is depends on you!.


See you soon blogger,

Kerana Nyamuk

Kerana si nyamuk, (x tahu la banyak mane yang gigit aku malam tadi) aku :- - xley tdo dari kul 5am td - kemaskan baju yang sengaja di kenjahkan (baca: selerak)oleh aku.. tp bagus gak kan - gosok baju awal2 so aku pilih baju lawa sket - x subuh gajah.. Huhuhuhu.. Alhamdulillah - sampai ofis kul 07.15am.. Fuyooooooooooooooo... NHAR MELAKA

Friday, September 24, 2010

best wedding.. its fairy tales

Macam Fairy tales... Banyak duit leh la wat camni kan NHAR MELAKA

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Salah tutorial

Bile aku ngajar ni banyak bende2 yang kadang2 buat aku nak tergelak bila berdepan dengan budak2 ni: Salah satu nye Aku: hari ni kite wat tutorial 5 eh (acku ckp dlm omputih la sebab MMU kene ckap omputih) Aku: Robby, bace soklan. Robby: Mr Ali bla bla bla (Izayu, Farah n Zaid terpinga2) Aku: Ok dah Zaid sambung Zaid: Miss, sye xde soklan miss Aku: ape nak jadi ni.. Farah sambung Farah: menggeleng2 Aku: xde soklan gak.. ape nak jadi ni.. cmne nak wat tutorial klau xde soklan.. sape xde soklan lepas ni kuar class Lantas Izayu angkat tangan trus bngun (sbb die mst tahu lepas ni aku nak panggil die) Izayu: Miss, kitorang bawak soklan chapter lain miss... kitorang g photostate jap eh.. Aku: (Dalam hati) takut gak korang ngan aku.. Sambil tersenyum-senyum Aku: g la.. so break 5 minit..
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